Help CYT Find Home!

Thank you to all of our community and sponsors for your generosity during the first phase of our “Help CYT Find Home” campaign. We raised over $30,000! Denise, Brooke and members of our board, have been following up many leads around the county. We went so far as to make offers on a couple of spaces but nothing really clicked. In January our friends at Midtown Community Center approached us with the idea of renting some spaces that would be ours exclusively, and continuing the option of renting classrooms and rehearsal spaces each week during our sessions. So we have an office, storage space, potential build area and, starting next month, a large meeting/classroom. 

The search goes on for a space that will fill all of our needs but we thank God for providing more than we have ever had before! We continue to look for a warehouse type space that is at least 1,000 square feet and is affordable so if you have any leads…

Thanks for your ongoing support for the ministry of growing children through the performing arts. 

CYT Santa Cruz Leadership are praying for a larger location to call home as we accommodate the exponential growth of enrollment, work to solve the very real challenge of assets and programming being spread across the county and dream to expand to additional locations to serve students on both ends of the county!  CYT hopes to find the resources for a consistent space where our community feels loved, protected and comfortable. 

Do you or someone you know want to support this effort? We are looking for...
  • Corporate Sponsors
  • New donors to join our Standing O Program (with a large one-time donation or monthly commitment)
  • Organizations and businesses in need of subleasing a studio/ classroom/ event space? 

Email our Managing Director, Denise Ahlstrom at for opportunities or become a donor right now by clicking the button below!

We need a space to provide...

  • One location for programs and assets
    • Classes, rehearsals & auditions 
    • Costumes, Props & Makeup
    • Showcases
    • Theater Tech equipment 
    • Set build space
  • Control over programming 
    • Increase educational opportunities 
    • Earlier release of season scheduling 
    • Limitless daily use 
    • Increased efficiency, flexibility &  planning capability
  • Facilities for multiple activities
    • Increased number of families served
    • Indoor/Outdoor performance spaces
    • Parties & fundraising events
    • Office and Meeting spaces 
    • Access to natural space
  • A community hub 
    • Indoor/Outdoor community events 
    • Office for administrative resources
    • Display the art and artists of CYT’s history  


How did we come up with this goal?

We are actively searching for a property that would provide all our prayed-for needs- potential performance spaces, multiple classrooms, meeting room and office, storage for props, costumes, sets etc. a build space for sets and lots of parking! If you are local, you are likely aware, the cost of this kind of a space is prohibitively high in Santa Cruz County which has made this process especially challenging.

Our team has calculated what would be needed to make this dream come true for a year and more, and this totals to 96k. This number includes any subleasing partnerships & one-time and recurring donations. In advance of the "Help CYT Find Home" campaign, we had already received 12k so we are well on our way to this massively exciting goal!

While this number may feel intimidating, we believe that if God wants us to find roots, God will provide through this phenomenal community.

Whether we meet our goal in entirety or not, all donations will go towards space for CYT Santa Cruz. 

Join our Standing O Program with a large one-time donation or monthly commitment

Please know that whether we meet our goal in entirety or not, all donations will go towards space for CYT Santa Cruz

Standing Ovation:  A period of prolonged applause during which those in the crowd or audience rise to their feet.

Become a Standing O Society member to join a group of individuals and businesses committed to prolonged support of their local CYT Branch.  The pandemic was difficult for businesses across the nation, but it was particularly difficult for theater companies like CYT. For two years, our ability to conduct our normal classes, produce our normal shows, and put on our regular summer camps had been severely limited.  As we have worked to emerge from the pandemic, re-stabilize and now vision to the future, your support will have an impact. Your support will allow us to continue developing character and creativity in the youth of our community.


A recurring donation of $25.00 or more OR an annual gift of $250 or more.
Click the button below for membership levels and benefits.

1. How often would you like to give?

2. Your gift amount.

Select your donation's designation:

Join us on the search by subleasing a studio/ classroom/ event space

Whether you are a small business who needs to host meetings, a yoga instructor who needs space to teach, or an art teacher who needs a classroom, we want to hear from you! Please email directly or fill out the below contact form to share your thoughts or questions around subleasing.

CYT Santa Cruz

Mailing Address:
216 Mt. Hermon Rd Suite E
PMB 231
Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Office Address:
115 S Morrissey Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Contact Us

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